Sunday, August 8, 2010


It's been a very relaxing weekend here in Brasila!

Friday night:  Sabrina, a very sweet Portuguese teacher from school, invited Natalia, Jana, and I to go to the Brazilian cinema.  So we went to Salt (it was in English, with Portuguese subtitles).  Sabrina taught us how to ask for a ticket in Portuguese, but when I got up to the counter, I got flustered and I think I sputtered in broken Portuguese "I want Salt"... but they understood.  (Most people have this smirk on their face, when I say "Nao fallo Portugues" and laugh as they get me what I'm attempting to ask for)

Saturday:  Dival, the human resources guy at EAB had a huge party at his house.  He lives in a very nice neighborhood and has this beautiful house.  Once again, I was astounded at the amount and scale of hospitality that we were showed.  Imagine a beautiful, cloudless day, a georgeous patio, with tables set up with food and drinks, a full staff of chefs grilling meat and other appetizers, a DJ playing all sorts of music, and about 50 Brazilians laughing and enjoying life.  It was surreal, amazing, relaxing, and well... Brazil!  I left around 4:30 and enjoyed a quiet evening at home.

Sunday:  I woke up and had a "date with God" (I haven't been able to find anyone to go to church with yet, and it's too far to walk, so I had some time alone with God by myself.  I went to this cute little shop called Confectaria Francesa.  I sipped on a Cafe con Leiche (comparable to a cappuccino-- very strong) and listened to some live saxophone music while I read and journaled.  I had some time just to pray and listen and read the word.  It was very refreshing.  Tonight, we are going to a musical put on by a local high school-- called "Bom Dia Boltimore"  It is Hairspray, but in Portuguese!  I'm very excited, because hopefully I will be able to follow along because I've seen the Broadway version when it came to UNI a couple of years ago. 

I'm excited for the first day of school tomorrow!  I had an opportunity to meet some of my students at the Open house they had at school on Friday, and they are very adorable.  I think that it will be great to get the school year started!!!

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