Saturday, August 14, 2010

One Week down!

I have officially completed my first week of school.  It was intense!  I don't know if you've ever been in a first grade classroom during the first week of school, but it is a high maintainence bunch of six year olds! 

I quickly fell in love with the kids-- they are so adorable!  A majority of them are from Brazil, three do not speak English, while the others have varying degrees.  We also have a couple of American students, as well as a Sweedish and German students.  I love, love, love having little hands on my arm asking "Miss Allie, Miss Allie, can you help me spell this word?"  They are really sweet!

But, they are also really tiring!  When they come into first grade, they are not really used to a full day of structured learning, so by the time the afternoon rolls around, they are much more squirrley!  I get a bit flustered when they are out of control, but Erin seems to stay pretty calm (maybe that comes with years of experience!) 

I have definitely been sleeping well at night.  I'm very glad that Friday came-- I need  a weekend of rest and recooperation!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Miss Allie, Please take care of yourself! Just as the kids get may you. And perhaps not pyscially but emotionally. That is OK you know. Remember God's promise in Isaiah, that he will give strength to the weary. God loves you so much that He will give you all that you need and that includes TLC. We are doing a busy week of having each of the grandkids that will be attending school next week, overnight! And do you know what, I too will be tired.
    Know that I am lifting you up in prayer. May Holy Spirit refresh you in many ways.
    love, b
