Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Muito Bom!

Another beautiful night here in Brazil.  It's so strange to think that back in Iowa, the days are getting shorter, the air is crisper, and the trees are shedding their leaves.  Here, the spring has sprung.  With the rainy season starting a couple of weeks ago, things are turning green.  The mango trees are starting to produce some promising surprises (I can honestly say I've never been able to pick fruit from mango trees on my way home from school before).  The only downside to this season is the frequent downpours (often right at the time that school gets out- the sky opens up) and the heat.  But I really can't complain! 
My parents came two weekends ago, which was such a fun time!  They came Friday morning and we spent the long weekend seeing the sights of the city, enjoying delicious food, and just being together.  We rented a car, which was an adventure.  Mom and Dad quickly found out that everything is an adventure in Brazil!  But getting lost just became a part of the adventure.  As the only one of the group who knew any Portuguese, I had lots of opportunities to attempt the language.  It was good because I think I grew a lot in the language!  I'm really developing a passion to learn the language!  I really loved that they got to see where I'm living- and meet the people I'm sharing life with here.  It meant so much to have a refreshing weekend together with them-- to have meaningful conversations, to laugh, and show them this place that I love.  It meant so much that they were willing to travel half way across the world to see me!
Right now my world is filled with portfolios!  We are doing student-led conferences tomorrow and on Friday.  This is a very neat way to do conferences, as the students really take ownership of their learning, but I'm telling you, it's a lot of work!  Our days are filled with trying to get their portfolios ready.  In the end, I think it will be rewarding, but Im looking forward to next week when we'll get back to the normal routine! 
Last week we had a neat opportunity.  The fifth graders go to a local orphanage every year to help celebrate Children's Day with the children there.  It was so touching to see these students (who are from very affluent families) interacting with the children there.  While they were hesitant at first, they quickly realized that there were far more similarities than differences.  They discovered that these kids liked the same things and needed the same things as them.  Soon they were laughing, playing soccer, holding hands, and enjoying each others' company.  I was struck at how much the orphans desired affection.  So many kids came up and wanted to be held, wanted to sit in my lap, to touch my hair, or just to be close to me.  While it was clear that they were hungry for love, they were still very joyful children.  It was heartbreaking and uplifting at the same time. 

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