Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The question is... am I smarter than a 5th grader?

This is my first week of my second placement.  I have said goodbye to first grade, with bittersweet feelings.  Now I am across the courtyard in fifth grade.  It is very different!
1.  They sit still!  They can sit quietly and read independantly for 20+ minutes.
2.  They (for the most part) follow directions the first time.
3.  No one has asked me to tie their shoes.
4.  I don't have to bend down as far to give hugs.
5.  I went from teaching short vowel sounds and defining what a community is to talking about exponents, how to structure a paragraph, and science inquiry methods! 
6.  The role of the teacher is very different-- it's much more of a facilitator and encouraging critical thinking rather than providing guidance and direct instruction.

I am excited for the higher level of content, especially with the literature-- my secret and somewhat nerdy love for young adult literature is now being put to good use!  I'm really looking forward to getting to know the kids more and having more meaningful conversations with them.  However, I am going to have to do my homework!  The content knowledge doesn't come as easily in this grade, and I'm going to have to study up!! 

Things outside of school are good.  I'm trying to stay healthy and try to stay centered and at peace, even though life is pretty busy.  I'm itching to get out of the city and experience some of the nature close by.  Part of the reason that people decided to locate the capitol where it is was that there are several waterfalls close to the city.  I haven't seen a waterfall yet, but I'm hoping to get out and do some hiking this weekend!

It hasn't rained here for 125 days now, so the environment has taken a hit.  The sky has looked threatening a couple of days, but still no rain.  I'm excited for the rainy season to begin, so that things will be green again!  I also am in the mood for a good thunderstorm!

I can't believe my time here is almost half done.  It feels like it has gone so quickly, and yet, it feels like the day I arrived is so distant!  I'm really excited for my parents to come next week! 

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Sometimes I still look around me and think-- Wow.  I live in Brazil!  I woke up this morning, chatted with my roommate, ate some cream cheese and jam on a piece of bread, checked my facebook (pretty routine right?) and looked out the window.  Another cloudless day, exotic birds chirping, and the guy that sells corn husk things announcing his presence in our block.  And it hits me-- I am in Brazil.  Living here.  And I've been here for about two months.  Craziness!

Besides those moments where the surrealness hits, I'm definitely in the groove of a routine.  I only have one week left of my first placement with Erin Hayes in first grade.  I have bittersweet feelings about this.  On the one hand, I am really going to miss these kids!  They are so sweet and the little hugs and the funny things they say and the sweet moments of seeing the lightbulb come on (or seeing them actually applying a strategy YOU taught them!) melts my heart.  I really enjoy working with Erin and I really appreciate our open communication and continuing conversation about teaching and life.  It has been a great experience!  On the other hand, first grade is a HANDFUL!  Classroom management is definitely a large part of a teacher's role in first grade.  It was overwhelming when I took over the full control of the classroom to try to rein them in (constantly!)  I'm looking forward to working with fifth grade-- to have students that can stay in their seats, have more adult conversations, and covering content that is more advanced.  There are things that I really love about both ends of the spectrum as far as grade level, so I am hoping that I can discover my "sweet spot" through being in both a lower and upper elementary classroom.

Outside of the classroom, life is good-- and busy!  So many Brazilians from the school have been very gracious in inviting us to do stuff on the evenings and weekends.  I'm still trying to figure out the balance between doing stuff with people and having time to recharge.  Here are some of the fun things I've done in the last couple of weeks:
-Danced the night away at a salsa dance club
-Experienced acupunture
-Joined a parade going down the road by our apartment
-Tried my skills on stilts at a puppet festival
-Went to a very swanky restaurant with my roommates and some diplomats from the American Embassy
-Sampled sushi at a famous a sushi restaurant
-Went to a Japanese festival at a Bhuddist temple

We'll see what adventures the next few weeks hold!

Friday, September 10, 2010


It’s a Friday evening. I am sitting on my bed, listening to classical music and trying to muster up enough energy to go hang out with the drama teacher. The sad truth is that, for the life of a teacher, Friday evenings often consist of doing not much more than putting on your pjs and watching a movie. Or at least that’s what sounds appealing, because you’re just plain exhausted at the end of the week.

I shouldn’t be complaining though, because this was only a three day week. Tuesday was Brazil’s independence day. We (the new teachers) spent the long weekend at a hot springs resort called Caldas Novas. It was a weekend of a lot of relaxing by the pool and shopping the very touristy town. Unfortunately there wasn’t much to do in the way of hiking or nature, which is what I was kind of hoping for. Because there was so much time with such a little agenda (something that hasn’t occurred since I moved here!) I got a bit homesick. But, all in all, it was a fun weekend and a good chance to connect with the new friends I’ve made here.

I was talking with Crystal, one of my roommates on the bus ride back, about how everything is going. I told her that for me transitions are hard. It can take up to two months of feeling funky emotionally while I adjust to a new setting, routine, culture, etc. I feel like I’ve been in transition mode for a long time. Transitioning out of Lampost and out of “college student” mode. One month periods of being at home and then nannying in Cedar Falls. Then moving to another continent and starting to teach full time. I have tried to be more graceful with myself, because I know that it takes awhile, and these have been big changes. But, I’m sick of being in transition mode. To be more specific, I feel like I haven’t quite been myself, especially the last few weeks. I think a big factor is being around people that don’t know me very well, and as a result, not fully being 100% myself (this is a life long struggle for me—attempting to live up to my perceptions of others’ expectations). I told Crystal that I feel like I’ve been live in pale shades, and that I want to be more vibrant. I want to fully live each moment to the fullest, in brave honesty and with eyes wide open. Life is too short (my time in Brazil is too short) to be living half way. You can keep me accountable for that!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

You are what you think

It's late (well, for a tired elementary teacher), but I really wanted to share what I've been learning over the last week. 
One thing I feel like I've been struggling with while being here in Brazil is feeling very tense and anxious-- between balancing all the newness, trying to be on top of my game for teaching, and transitioning into this new stage of my life.  I was feeling uptight, and it has been affecting my health-- back pain, headaches, stomachaches, mentally and physically not being able to relax.

I joined a bible study from some people from at school.  We're going through this book called "Battlefield of the Mind."  The premise of the book is that a lot of spiritual battles occur and begin in the mind.  Our thoughts produce the fruits of our actions-- the thoughts that are circling in our heads will affect our outlook on life.  There is so much power in choosing to think things that are the truth and things that are positive.  Choosing to praise, be thankful, focus on His beauty, and believe to see ourselves as HE sees us.  This is the task of each moment.  And because he exists in the present moment, our only obligation is to be present in the present and to seek His truth for that moment.  And the next moment, and the next moment (Victorious lives are made up of victorious moments).  It's choosing to believe that the lies we are tempted to live in are a weak and pale comparison to the vibrant life he is offering. 

I can't believe how much of a difference this shift in my mindset has helped me be able to have a sense of peace in my day.  The difficulties are still present, but I feel much more joyful and able to breathe.

Please pray for the grace to be able to continue to walk in this mindset.  To constantly renew my mind in the truth and to choose to dwell in the light.